2019 brought us lots of breakthrough technologies. From more dexterous robots to improvements in natural language processing delivering a real boost for AI, there was plenty to get excited about. So, as we say goodbye to a great year, we’re looking ahead at what we think 2020 will bring in terms of electronics manufacturing, technology, and innovation.  

Here’s a breakdown of the trends and products to watch for in 2020:


Faster computer chips 

Engineers at Purdue University have found a way to speed up computer chip processing times by combining a transistor with ferroelectric RAM. 

Combining these on one chip is something that researchers have been trying to do for a while, but in the past, it has failed because of the incompatibility of the ferroelectric material and silicon, the semiconductor material that makes up transistors. 

By swapping silicon for a material that has ferroelectric properties, alpha indium selenide, they were able to avoid the usual incompatibility issues.

This remarkable innovation is set to make processors even faster and more capable in 2020 and beyond.


Wearable devices allowing for earlier medical diagnosis  

Wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers show no signs of slowing down in popularity. The global market for medical wearable devices is estimated to reach £3.2bn by 2020. 

 We’ve had the ability to track several health metrics like activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns for a while now. However, as we move into 2020, there’s more scope for healthcare providers to tap into this information and use it to monitor existing health conditions – or even diagnose new ones.  

Healthcare and technology is a pairing that can bring many benefits, and wearable devices are just one aspect of that. It’s not currently possible to diagnose a condition purely on the information available from wearable devices. However, changes in heart rate and sleeping patterns can prompt healthcare providers to ask patients to attend for further health checks. Which could potentially lead to them pick up on health issues quickly and reduce the costs involved in treating them. 


Internet of Things  

Smart technology is booming beyond wearable devices. The Internet of Things (IoT), where products connect with us and each other to create a better user experience, is growing in popularity.  With 15 million ‘smart homes’ in the UK, there’s a huge appetite for smart tech.  

It’s not just homes where the Internet of Things is being put to good use. Industrial IoT is connecting machines and devices across many industries, enabling real-time data to drive better business decisions.  



5G networks have been in the pipeline for a couple of years, but 5G is set to explode onto the scene in 2020.  5G will bring high-speed, higher-capacity and enable new technologies and services that go beyond better mobile broadband.  

From faster downloads to the ability to support many more connected devices per square metre, 5G will support the Internet of Things and enable new technologies to be developed. One area we’re expecting to see rise off the back of 5G in 2020 is autonomous vehicles 


At Nexus, we’re proud to work with some incredible companies delivering innovative, forward-thinking products. We’ve been helping product-based businesses with their entire product lifecycle since 2012.  If you’ve got an innovative product idea, we’d love to see how we can help you get it market 


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