by Nexus IE | News, Product Development
So, you’ve developed your product, conducted your market research, and created a prototype. What’s your next step? Launching your product can be a lot of work. We’ve previously written about how to get your product on the shelves and what to do after your product...
by Nexus IE | Maufacturing, Outsourcing, Product Development
When you have a product that you’re excited about it’s easy to overlook small factors like logistics and shipping. All your attention is on the manufacturing of the perfect product and these fringe issues don’t always feel very pressing. The reality is though...
by Nexus IE | Product Development
Bringing a product to market is no easy task so once it’s hit the shelves have you considered your next step? Have you thought about how you will manage teething problems or logistical hiccups? The reality is that making amendments to the supply chain or...
by Nexus IE | Product Development
Taking your product from an idea to market can seem like an overwhelming task with many pitfalls on the way but there are certain steps you can take that ensure all your hard work, investment and vision come to fruition. In this post we will share the huge gains to be...
by Nexus IE | Growing your Business, Maufacturing, Product Development
Are you developing a new product? There are two types of people in the world. Those who have great ideas and those who have great ideas AND then tenacity to turn them into a reality. A commercial business! Which one are you? If you think you fall into the later...
by Nexus IE | Product Design, Product Development
Protecting your intellectual property at an early stage is essential so that you can safely start connecting with people who can help you such as investors and manufacturers but what is intellectual property and how can you go about using it to protect your products...